Source code for kingpin.actors.rightscale.base

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Copyright 2014, Inc


The RightScale Actors allow you to interact with resources inside your
Rightscale account. These actors all support dry runs properly, but each
actor has its own caveats with ``dry=True``. Please read the instructions
below for using each actor.

**Required Environment Variables**

  RightScale API Refresh Token
  (from the *Account Settings/API Credentials* page)

  Your account-specific API Endpoint
  (defaults to

from random import randint
import collections
import logging
import os

from tornado import gen
import mock

from kingpin.actors import base
from kingpin.actors import exceptions
from kingpin.actors.rightscale import api

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__author__ = 'Matt Wise <>'

TOKEN = os.getenv('RIGHTSCALE_TOKEN', None)

[docs]class ArrayNotFound(exceptions.RecoverableActorFailure): """Raised when a ServerArray could not be found."""
[docs]class ArrayAlreadyExists(exceptions.RecoverableActorFailure): """Raised when a ServerArray already exists by a given name."""
[docs]class RightScaleBaseActor(base.BaseActor): """Abstract class for creating RightScale cloud actors.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initializes the Actor.""" super(RightScaleBaseActor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if not TOKEN: raise exceptions.InvalidCredentials( 'Missing the "RIGHTSCALE_TOKEN" environment variable.') self._client = api.RightScale(token=TOKEN, endpoint=ENDPOINT) @gen.coroutine def _find_server_arrays(self, array_name, raise_on='notfound', allow_mock=True, exact=True): """Find a ServerArray by name and return it. Args: array_name: String name of the ServerArray to find. raise_on: Either None, 'notfound' or 'found' allow_mock: Boolean whether or not to allow a Mock object to be returned instead. exact: Boolean whether or not to allow multiple arrays to be returned. Raises: gen.Return(<rightscale.Resource of Server Array>) ArrayNotFound() ArrayAlreadyExists() """ if raise_on == 'notfound': msg = 'Verifying that array "%s" exists' % array_name elif raise_on == 'found': msg = 'Verifying that array "%s" does not exist' % array_name elif not raise_on: msg = 'Searching for array named "%s"' % array_name else: raise exceptions.UnrecoverableActorFailure( 'Invalid "raise_on" setting in actor code.') self.log.debug(msg) array = yield self._client.find_server_arrays(array_name, exact=exact) if not array and self._dry and allow_mock: # Create a fake ServerArray object thats mocked up to help with # execution of the rest of the code.'Array "%s" not found -- creating a mock.' % array_name) array = mock.MagicMock(name=array_name) # Give the mock a real identity and give it valid elasticity # parameters so the Launch() actor can behave properly. array.soul = { # Used elsewhere to know whether we're working on a mock 'fake': True, # Fake out common server array object properties 'name': '<mocked array %s>' % array_name, 'elasticity_params': {'bounds': {'min_count': 4}} } array.self.path = '/fake/array/%s' % randint(10000, 20000) = array if array and raise_on == 'found': raise ArrayAlreadyExists('Array "%s" already exists!' % array_name) if not array and raise_on == 'notfound': raise ArrayNotFound('Array "%s" not found!' % array_name) # Quick note. If many arrays were returned, lets make sure we throw a # note to the user so they know whats going on. if isinstance(array, list): for a in array:'Matching array found: %s' % a.soul['name']) raise gen.Return(array) def _generate_rightscale_params(self, prefix, params): """Utility function for creating RightScale-style parameters. RightScale takes inputs in the form of a hash of key/value pairs, but these pairs are in a strange pseudo-dict form. This method takes a standard hash and converts it into a rightscale-compatible form. For example, take this dict: {'name': 'unittest-name', 'bounds': { 'min_count': 3} We return: [ ('server_array[name]', 'unittest-name'), ('server_array[bounds][min_count]', '3) ] For more examples, see our unit tests. Args: prefix: The key-prefix to use (ie, 'server_array') params: The dictionary to squash Returns: A list of tuples of key/value pairs. """ if not type(params) == dict: raise exceptions.InvalidOptions( 'Parameters passed in must be in the form of a dict.') # Nested loop that compresses a multi level dictinary into a flat # array of key=value strings. def flatten(d, parent_key=prefix, sep='_'): items = [] if isinstance(d, collections.MutableMapping): # If a dict is passed in, break it into its items and # then iterate over them. for k, v in d.items(): new_key = parent_key + '[' + k + ']' if parent_key else k items.extend(flatten(v, new_key)) elif isinstance(d, list): # If an array was passed in, then iterate over the array new_key = parent_key + '[]' if parent_key else k for item in d: items.extend(flatten(item, new_key)) else: items.append((parent_key, d)) return items return sorted(flatten(params))