Basic Use

$ kingpin --help
Usage: kingpin [json file] <options>

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -j JSON, --json=JSON  Path to JSON Deployment File
  -d, --dry             Executes a dry run only.
  -l LEVEL, --level=LEVEL
                        Set logging level (INFO|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR)
  --debug               Equivalent to --level=DEBUG
  -c, --color           Colorize the log output

The simplest use cases of this code can be better understood by looking at the simple.json file. Executing it is a simple as this:

$ (.venv)$ kingpin -j examples/simple.json -d
2014-09-01 21:18:09,022 INFO      [main stage (DRY Mode)] Beginning
2014-09-01 21:18:09,022 INFO      [stage 1 (DRY Mode)] Beginning
2014-09-01 21:18:09,022 INFO      [copy serverA (DRY Mode)] Beginning
2014-09-01 21:18:09,023 INFO      [copy serverB (DRY Mode)] Beginning
2014-09-01 21:18:09,027 INFO      [copy serverC (DRY Mode)] Beginning
2014-09-01 21:18:09,954 INFO      [copy serverA (DRY Mode)] Verifying that array "kingpin-integration-testing" exists
2014-09-01 21:18:14,533 INFO      [stage 3 (DRY Mode)] Finished, success? True
2014-09-01 21:18:14,533 INFO      [main stage (DRY Mode)] Finished, success? True

Kingpin always executes a dry run before executing. Each actor specifies their own definition of a dry run. Actors are designed to do as much checking in the dry run as possible to assure that everything will work during real execution.

It’s possible, with extreme discouragement to skip the default dry run by setting SKIP_DRY environment variable.


In an effort to keep the commandline interface of Kingpin simple, the majority of the configuration settings used at runtime are actually set as environment variables. Individual Kingpin Actors have their credential requirements documented in their specific documentation (see below).

JSON-based DSL

The entire model for the configuration is based on the concept of a JSON dictionary that contains at least one actor configuration. This JSON format is highly structured and must rigidly conform to the kingpin.schema.


The JSON file will be validated for schema-conformity as one of the first things that happens at load-time when the app starts up. If it fails, you will be notified immediately. This is performed in misc.Macro actor.

The Script

Definition: The blueprint or roadmap that outlines a movie story through visual descriptions, actions of characters and their dialogue. The term “script” also applies to stageplays as well.

Every Kingpin script is a chunk of JSON-encoded data that contains actors. Each actor configuration includes the same three parameters: actor, desc and options.

The simplest script will have a single configuration that executes a single actor. More complex scripts can be created with our group.Sync and group.Async actors which can be used to group together multiple actors and execute them in a predictable order.

Schema Description

The JSON schema is simple. We take a single JSON object that has a few fields:

  • actor - A text-string describing the name of the Actor package and class. For example, kingpin.actors.rightscale.server_array.Clone, or misc.Sleep.
  • condition - A bool or string that indicates whether or not to execute this actor.
  • desc - A text-string describing the name of the stage or action. Meant to ensure that the logs are very human readable.
  • warn_on_failure - True/False whether or not to ignore an Actors failure and return True anyways. Defaults to False, but if True a warning message is logged.
  • timeout - Maximum time (in seconds) for the actor to execute before raising an ActorTimedOut exception is raised.
  • options - A dictionary of key/value pairs that are required for the specific actor that you’re instantiating. See individual Actor documentation below for these options.

The simples JSON file could look like this:

{ "desc": "Hipchat: Notify Oncall Room",
  "actor": "hipchat.Message",
  "condition": "true",
  "warn_on_failure": true,
  "timeout": 30,
  "options": {
    "message": "Beginning release %RELEASE%", "room": "Oncall"

However, much more complex configurations can be created by using the group.Sync and group.Async actors to describe massively more complex deployents.

Conditional Execution

The base.BaseActor definition supports a condition parameter that can be used to enable or disable execution of an actor in a given Kingpin run. The field defaults to enabled, but takes many different values which allow you to choose whether or not to execute portions of your script.

Conditions that behave as False:

0, '0', 'False', 'FALse', 'FALSE'

Conditions that behave as True:

'any string', 'true', 'TRUE', '1', 1

Example usage:

{ "desc": "Hipchat: Notify Oncall Room",
  "actor": "hipchat.Message",
  "condition": "%SEND_MESSAGE%",
  "warn_on_failure": true,
  "options": {
    "message": "Beginning release %RELEASE%", "room": "Oncall"

JSON Commenting

Because these JSON scripts can get quite large, Kingping leverages the demjson package to parse your script. This package is slightly more graceful when handling syntax issues (extra commas, for example), and allows for JavaScript style commenting inside of the script.

Take this example:

{ "actor": "misc.Sleep",

  /* Cool description */
  "desc": 'This is funny',

  /* This shouldn't end with a comma, but does */
  "options": { "time": 30 }, }

The above example would fail to parse in most JSON parsers, but in demjson it works just fine.


By default, Kingpin actors are set to timeout after 3600s (1 hour). Each indivudal actor will raise an ActorTimedOut exception after this timeout has been reached. The ActorTimedOut exception is considered a RecoverableActorFailure, so the warn_on_failure setting applies here and thus the failure can be ignored if you choose to.

Additionally, you can override the global default setting on the commandline with an environment variable:

  • DEFAULT_TIMEOUT - Time (in seconds) to use as the default actor timeout.

Here is an example log output when the timer is exceeded:

$ DEFAULT_TIMEOUT=1 SLEEP=10 kingpin -j examples/sleep.json
11:55:16   INFO      Rehearsing... Break a leg!
11:55:16   INFO      [DRY: Kingpin] Preparing actors from examples/sleep.json
11:55:16   INFO      Rehearsal OK! Performing!
11:55:16   INFO      Lights, camera ... action!
11:55:16   INFO      [Kingpin] Preparing actors from examples/sleep.json
11:55:17   ERROR     [Kingpin] kingpin.actors.misc.Macro._execute() execution exceeded deadline: 1s
11:55:17   ERROR     [Sleep for some amount of time] kingpin.actors.misc.Sleep._execute() execution exceeded deadline: 1s
11:55:17   CRITICAL  [Kingpin] kingpin.actors.misc.Macro._execute() execution exceeded deadline: 1s
11:55:17   CRITICAL  [Sleep for some amount of time] kingpin.actors.misc.Sleep._execute() execution exceeded deadline: 1s
11:55:17   ERROR     Kingpin encountered mistakes during the play.
11:55:17   ERROR     kingpin.actors.misc.Macro._execute() execution exceeded deadline: 1s

Disabling the Timeout

You can disable the timeout on any actor by setting timeout: 0 in your JSON.

Group Actor Timeouts

Group actors are special – as they do nothing but execute other actors. Although they support the timeout: x setting, they default to disabling the timeout (timeout: 0). This is done because the individual timeouts are generally owned by the individual actors. A single actor that fails will propagate its exception up the chain and through the Group actor just like any other actor failure.

As an example... If you take the following example code:

{ "desc": "Outer group",
  "actor": "group.Sync",
  "options": {
    "acts": [
      { "desc": "Sleep 10 seconds, but fail",
        "actor": "misc.Sleep",
        "timeout": 1,
        "warn_on_failure": true,
        "options": {
          "sleep": 10
      { "desc": "Sleep 2 seconds, but don't fail",
        "actor": "misc.Sleep",
        "options": {
          "sleep": 2

The first misc.Sleep actor will fail, but only warn (warn_on_failure=True) about the failure. The parent group.Sync actor will continue on and allow the second misc.Sleep actor to continue.


Environmental Tokens

In an effort to allow for more re-usable JSON files, tokens can be inserted into the raw JSON file like this %TOKEN_NAME%. These will then be dynamically swapped with environment variables found at execution time. Any missing environment variables will cause the JSON parsing to fail and will notify you immediately.

For an example, take a look at the complex.json file, and these examples of execution.

# Here we forget to set any environment variables
$ kingpin -j examples/complex.json -d
2014-09-01 21:29:47,373 ERROR     Invalid Configuration Detected: Found un-matched tokens in JSON string: ['%RELEASE%', '%OLD_RELEASE%']

# Here we set one variable, but miss the other one
$ RELEASE=0001a kingpin -j examples/complex.json -d
2014-09-01 21:29:56,027 ERROR     Invalid Configuration Detected: Found un-matched tokens in JSON string: ['%OLD_RELEASE%']

# Finally we set both variables and the code begins...
$ OLD_RELEASE=0000a RELEASE=0001a kingpin -j examples/complex.json -d
2014-09-01 21:30:03,886 INFO      [Main (DRY Mode)] Beginning
2014-09-01 21:30:03,886 INFO      [Hipchat: Notify Oncall Room (DRY Mode)] Beginning
2014-09-01 21:30:03,886 INFO      [Hipchat: Notify Oncall Room (DRY Mode)] Sending message "Beginning release 0001a" to Hipchat room "Oncall"

Contextual Tokens

Once the initial JSON files have been loaded up, we have a second layer of tokens that can be referenced. These tokens are known as contextual tokens. These contextual tokens are used during-runtime to swap out strings with variables. Currently only the group.Sync and group.Async actors have the ability to define usable tokens, but any actor can then reference these tokens.

Contextual tokens for simple variable behavior

{ "desc": "Send out hipchat notifications",
  "actor": "group.Sync",
  "options": {
      "contexts": [ { "ROOM": "Systems" } ],
      "acts": [
          { "desc": "Notify {ROOM}",
            "actor": "hipchat.Message",
            "options": {
              "room": "{ROOM}",
                "message": "Hey room .. I'm done with something"
2015-01-14 15:03:16,840 INFO      [DRY: Send out hipchat notifications] Beginning 1 actions
2015-01-14 15:03:16,840 INFO      [DRY: Notify Systems] Sending message "Hey room .. I'm done with something" to Hipchat room "Systems"

Contextual tokens used for iteration

{ "desc": "Send ending notifications...", "actor": "group.Async",
  "options": {
    "contexts": [
      { "ROOM": "Engineering", "WISDOM": "Get back to work" },
      { "ROOM": "Cust Service", "WISDOM": "Have a nice day" }
    "acts": [
      { "desc": "Notify {ROOM}",
        "actor": "hipchat.Message",
        "options": {
            "room": "{ROOM}",
            "message": "Hey room .. I'm done with the release. {WISDOM}"
2015-01-14 15:02:22,165 INFO      [DRY: Send ending notifications...] Beginning 2 actions
2015-01-14 15:02:22,165 INFO      [DRY: Notify Engineering] Sending message "Hey room .. I'm done with the release. Get back to work" to Hipchat room "Engineering"
2015-01-14 15:02:22,239 INFO      [DRY: Notify Cust Service] Sending message "Hey room .. I'm done with the release. Have a nice day" to Hipchat room "Cust Service"

Early Actor Instantiation

Again, in an effort to prevent mid-run errors, we pre-instantiate all Actor objects all at once before we ever begin executing code. This ensures that major typos or misconfigurations in the JSON will be caught early on.