Source code for kingpin.actors.rightscale.api

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Copyright 2014, Inc


Base RightScale API Access Object.

This package provides access to the RightScale API via Tornado-style
`@gen.coroutine` wrapped methods. These methods are, however, just wrappers
for threads that are being fired off in the background to make the API

**Async vs Threads**

In the future, this will get re-factored to use a native Tornado
AsyncHTTPClient object. The methods themselves will stay the same, but the
underlying private methods will change.

The methods in this object are specifically designed to support common
operations that the RightScale Actor objects need to do. Operations like
'find server array', 'launch server array', etc. This is not meant as a pure
one-to-one mapping of the RightScale API, but rather a mapping of conceptual
operations that the Actors need.

**Method Design Note**

RightScale mixes and matches their API calls... some of them you pass in a
major method and then supply a resource ID to act on. Others you pass in the
resource_id and get back a list of methods that you can execute.

For consistency in our programming model, this class relies o you passing in
rightscale.Resource objects everywhere, and it does the resource->ID

from datetime import datetime
from os import path
import logging

from retrying import retry as sync_retry
from rightscale import util as rightscale_util
from tornado import concurrent
from tornado import gen
from tornado import ioloop
import requests
import rightscale
import simplejson

from kingpin import utils
from kingpin.actors.rightscale import settings

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Suppress InsecurePlatformWarning

__author__ = 'Matt Wise <>'


# This executor is used by the tornado.concurrent.run_on_executor()
# decorator. We would like this to be a class variable so its shared
# across RightScale objects, but we see testing IO errors when we
# do this.
EXECUTOR = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(10)

[docs]class ServerArrayException(Exception): """Raised when an operation on or looking for a ServerArray fails"""
class RightScale(object): # Get references to existing objects that are used by the # tornado.concurrent.run_on_executor() decorator. ioloop = ioloop.IOLoop.current() executor = EXECUTOR def __init__(self, token, endpoint=DEFAULT_ENDPOINT): """Initializes the RightScaleOperator Object for a RightScale Account. Args: token: A RightScale RefreshToken api: API URL Endpoint """ self._token = token self._endpoint = endpoint self._client = rightscale.RightScale(refresh_token=self._token, api_endpoint=self._endpoint) # Quiet down the urllib requests library, its noisy even in # INFO mode and muddies up the logs. r_log = logging.getLogger('requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool') r_log.setLevel(logging.WARNING) log.debug('%s initialized (token=<hidden>, endpoint=%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, endpoint)) def get_res_id(self, resource): """Returns the Resource ID of a given RightScale Resource object. Args: rightscale.Resource object Returns: Integer of Resource ID """ return int(path.split(resource.self.path)[-1]) @concurrent.run_on_executor @sync_retry(**settings.RETRYING_SETTINGS) @utils.exception_logger def find_server_arrays(self, name, exact=True): """Search for a list of ServerArray by name and return the resources. Args: name: RightScale ServerArray Name exact: Return a single exact match, or multiple matching resources. Returns: <rightscale.Resource object(s)> """ log.debug('Searching for ServerArrays matching: %s (exact match: %s)' % (name, exact)) found_arrays = rightscale_util.find_by_name( self._client.server_arrays, name, exact=exact) if not found_arrays: log.debug('ServerArray matching "%s" not found' % name) return if isinstance(found_arrays, list): names = [s.soul['name'] for s in found_arrays] else: names = [found_arrays.soul['name']] log.debug('Got ServerArray(s): %s' % ', '.join(names)) return found_arrays @concurrent.run_on_executor @sync_retry(**settings.RETRYING_SETTINGS) @utils.exception_logger def show(self, resource): """Async wrapping of <resource>.show() with retry wrapper. Args: resource: rightscale.Resource object Returns: <rightscale.Resource object>.show() """ return @concurrent.run_on_executor @utils.exception_logger def find_cookbook(self, name): """Search for a Cookbook by-name and return the resource. Args: name: Cookbook Name Return: rightscale.Resource object """ cookbook = name.split('::')[0] log.debug('Searching for Cookbooks matching: %s' % name) found_cookbooks = self._client.cookbooks.index( params={'filter[]': ['name==%s' % cookbook], 'view': 'extended'}) found_recipes = filter( lambda r: r.soul['metadata']['recipes'].get(name), found_cookbooks) if not found_recipes: log.debug('Recipe matching "%s" could not be found.' % name) log.debug('Found cookbooks %s' % found_cookbooks) return recipe = found_recipes[0] log.debug('Found recipe: %s' % recipe) return recipe @concurrent.run_on_executor @sync_retry(**settings.RETRYING_SETTINGS) @utils.exception_logger def find_right_script(self, name): """Search for a RightScript by-name and return the resource. Args: name: RightScale RightScript Name Return: rightscale.Resource object """ log.debug('Searching for RightScript matching: %s' % name) found_script = rightscale_util.find_by_name( self._client.right_scripts, name, exact=True) if not found_script: log.debug('RightScript matching "%s" could not be found.' % name) return log.debug('Got RightScript: %s' % found_script) return found_script @concurrent.run_on_executor @sync_retry(**settings.RETRYING_SETTINGS) @utils.exception_logger def find_by_name_and_keys(self, collection, exact=True, **kwargs): """Search for a RightScale resource by name, and optional keys. This code is blatently stolen from rightscale.util.find_by_name and just re-worked so that we can search with the subject_href. RightScale deliberately clones AlertSpecs all of the place. For our purposes, searching with the subject_href becomes a requirement to avoid complex scenarios where we may return the wrong AlertSpec. Args: collection: RightScale.<xxx> resource object exact: If True, returns the first match. If False, returns a list of all returned resources. **kwargs: Any additional keys-and-values to use in the search. Returns: One RightScale Resource Object or a List of objects. """ filter_keys = [] for key, val in kwargs.items(): filter_keys.append('%s==%s' % (key, val)) params = {'filter[]': sorted(filter_keys)} found = collection.index(params=params) if not exact and len(found) > 0: return found if len(found) < 1: return [] if len(found) == 1: return found[0] return found @concurrent.run_on_executor @sync_retry(**settings.RETRYING_SETTINGS) @utils.exception_logger def destroy_resource(self, res): """Destroy an RightScale resource. Args: res: Resource object to destroy """ return res.self.destroy() @concurrent.run_on_executor @sync_retry(**settings.RETRYING_SETTINGS) @utils.exception_logger def create_resource(self, res, params): """Create an RightScale resource. Args: res: Resource object to destroy params: Dict of RightScale parameters to pass in Returns: The Rightscale Resource itself """ return res.create(params=params) @concurrent.run_on_executor @utils.exception_logger def clone_server_array(self, array): """Clone a Server Array. Clones an existing Server Array into a new array. Requires the source template array ID number. Returns the newly cloned array. Args: array: Source ServerArray Resource Object Return: <rightscale.Resource object> """ log.debug('Cloning ServerArray %s' % array.soul['name']) source_id = self.get_res_id(array) new_array = self._client.server_arrays.clone(res_id=source_id) log.debug('New ServerArray %s created!' % new_array.soul['name']) return new_array @concurrent.run_on_executor @utils.exception_logger def destroy_server_array(self, array): """Destroys a Server Array. Makes this API Call: ResourceServerArrays.html#destroy Args: array: ServerArray Resource Object """ log.debug('Destroying ServerArray %s' % array.soul['name']) array_id = self.get_res_id(array) self._client.server_arrays.destroy(res_id=array_id) log.debug('Array Destroyed') @concurrent.run_on_executor @utils.exception_logger def update(self, resource, params): """Updates a RightScale resource with the supplied parameters. Valid parameters can be found at the following URL: ResourceServerArrays.html#update ResourceInstances.html#update Args: resource: rightscale.Resource object to update. params: The parameters to update. eg: { 'server_array[name]': 'new name' } Returns: <updated rightscale array object> """ log.debug('Patching %s with new params: %s' % (resource.soul['name'], params)) resource.self.update(params=params) updated_resource = return updated_resource @concurrent.run_on_executor @utils.exception_logger def get_server_array_inputs(self, array): """Looks up ServerArray 'Next Instance' inputs. Valid parameters can be found at the following URL: ResourceInputs.html#index Args: rightscale.Resource array object. Returns: List of rightscale.Resource input objects. """ instance = all_inputs = instance.inputs.index() return all_inputs @concurrent.run_on_executor @utils.exception_logger def update_server_array_inputs(self, array, inputs): """Updates a ServerArray 'Next Instance' with the supplied inputs. Valid parameters can be found at the following URL: ResourceInputs.html#multi_update Note: Its impossible to tell whether the update has succeeded because the RightScale API always returns a '204 No Content' message on the multi_update() call. Therefore, we simply execute the command return. Args: array: rightscale.Resource object to update. inputs: The parameters to update. eg: { 'inputs[ELB_NAME]': 'text:foobar' } """ log.debug('Patching ServerArray (%s) with new inputs: %s' % (array.soul['name'], inputs)) next_inst = next_inst.inputs.multi_update(params=inputs) @concurrent.run_on_executor @sync_retry(**settings.RETRYING_SETTINGS) @utils.exception_logger def launch_server_array(self, array, count=1): """Launches an instance of a ServerArray.. Makes this API Call: ResourceServerArrays.html#launch Note: Repeated simultaneous calls to this method on the same array will return 422 errors from RightScale. It is advised that you make this call synchronously on a particular array as many times as you need. This method is wrapped in a retry block though to help handle these errors anyways. Args: array: ServerArray Resource Object count: Instances to launch (default: 1) Returns: rightscale.Resource of the newly launched instance> """ if not count or count < 1: return # The RightScale API supports sending in a 'count' to launch many # servers at once. This is only functional though if you submit a count # of > 1. Otherwise, it fails. params = None if count > 1: params = {'count': count} log.debug('Launching a new instance of ServerArray %s' % array.soul['name']) array_id = self.get_res_id(array) return self._client.server_arrays.launch( res_id=array_id, params=params) @concurrent.run_on_executor @sync_retry(**settings.RETRYING_SETTINGS) @utils.exception_logger def get_server_array_current_instances( self, array, filters=['state<>terminated']): """Returns a list of ServerArray current running instances. Makes this API Call: ResourceServerArrays.html#current_instances Valid Filters: ResourceInstances.html#index_filters Args: array: rightscale.Resource object to count filters: List of filters to use to find instances. Returns: [<list of rightscale.Resource objects>] """ log.debug('Searching for current instances of ServerArray (%s)' % array.soul['name']) params = {'filter[]': filters} return array.current_instances.index(params=params) @concurrent.run_on_executor @utils.exception_logger def terminate_server_array_instances(self, array): """Executes a terminate on all of the current running instances. Makes this API Call: ResourceServerArrays.html#multi_terminate Returns as soon as RightScale claims that the operation is completed -- but this only means that the servers have been 'told' to shut down, not that they are actually terminated yet. Args: array: ServerArray Resource Object Return: <task object for termination request> """ log.debug('Terminating all instances of ServerArray (%s)' % array.soul['name']) array_id = self.get_res_id(array) try: task = self._client.server_arrays.multi_terminate(res_id=array_id) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: if e.response.status_code == 422: # There are no instances to terminate. return return task @gen.coroutine def wait_for_task(self, task, task_name=None, sleep=5, loc_log=log, instance=None): """Monitors a RightScale task for completion. RightScale tasks are provided as URLs that we can query for the run-status of the task. This method repeatedly queries a task for completion (every 5 seconds), and returns when the task has finished. TODO: Add a task-timeout option. Note: This is a completely retryable operation in the event that an intermittent network connection causes any kind of a connection failure. Args: task: RightScale Task resource object. task_name: Human-readable name of the task to be executed. sleep: Integer of seconds to wait before the first status check. loc_log: logging.getLogger() object to be used to log task status. This is useful when this API call is called from a Kingpin actor, and you want to use the actor's specific logger. If nothing is passed - local `log` object is used. instance: RightScale instance object on which the task is executed. Returns: bool: success status """ if not task: # If there is no task to wait on - don't wait! raise gen.Return(True) timeout_id = None if task_name: timeout_id = utils.create_repeating_log(, 'Still waiting on %s' % task_name, seconds=sleep) # Tracking when the tasks start so we can search by date later # RightScale expects the time to be a string in UTC now = datetime.utcnow() tasks_start = now.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S +0000') while True: # Get the task status output = yield self._get_task_info(task) summary = output.soul['summary'] stamp = if 'success' in summary or 'completed' in summary: status = True break if 'failed' in summary: status = False break loc_log.debug('Task (%s) status: %s (updated at: %s)' % (output.path, output.soul['summary'], stamp)) yield utils.tornado_sleep(min(sleep, 5)) loc_log.debug('Task (%s) status: %s (updated at: %s)' % (output.path, output.soul['summary'], stamp)) if timeout_id: utils.clear_repeating_log(timeout_id) if status is True: raise gen.Return(True) if not instance: raise gen.Return(status) # If something failed we want to find out why -- get audit logs # Contact RightScale for audit logs of this instance. now = datetime.utcnow() tasks_finish = now.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S +0000') loc_log.error('Task failed. Instance: "%s".' % instance.soul['name']) audit_logs = yield self.get_audit_logs( instance=instance, start=tasks_start, end=tasks_finish, match='failed') # Print every audit log that was obtained (may be 0) [loc_log.error(l) for l in audit_logs] if not audit_logs: loc_log.error('No audit logs for %s' % instance) loc_log.debug('Task finished, return value: %s, summary: %s' % (status, summary)) raise gen.Return(status) @concurrent.run_on_executor @sync_retry(**settings.RETRYING_SETTINGS) @utils.exception_logger def _get_task_info(self, task): """Fetch data for a particular RightScale task. This is a blocking, non-tornado operation. It's separated into its own function to be run on a separate thread. """ return @concurrent.run_on_executor @sync_retry(**settings.RETRYING_SETTINGS) @utils.exception_logger def get_audit_logs(self, instance, start, end, match=None): """Fetch a set of audit logs belonging to an instance. ResourceAuditEntries.html Args: instance: RightScale instance object. start: String as expected by start_date of the API e.g., 2011/06/25 00:00:00 +0000. end: String as expected by end_date of the API. match: optional string to match the summary of the audit entry. Only audit entries with this string will be returned. Returns: list of audit entries between the start and end date that match a substring in the summary. May return an empty list. """ href = instance.links['self'] all_entries = self._client.audit_entries.index(params={ 'filter[]': ['auditee_href==%s' % href], 'limit': 10, 'start_date': start, 'end_date': end }) log.debug('Found %s audit logs.' % len(all_entries)) logs = [] for entry in all_entries: summary = entry.soul['summary'] if match and match not in summary: log.debug('Skipping details for "%s"' % summary) continue log.debug('Fetching details for "%s"' % summary) # grabbing raw output because RightScale doesn't reply via JSON # when accessing details of a log. detail_res = self._client.client.get(entry.detail.path) details = detail_res.raw_response.text logs.append(details) return logs @gen.coroutine def run_executable_on_instances(self, name, inputs, instances): """Execute a script on a set of RightScale Instances. This method bypasses the python-rightscale native properties and callable methods because they are broken with regards to running individual API calls against instances. See this bug: Instead, we take in a list of rightscale.Resource objects that point to instances. For each instance we iterate over and directly call the <instance_path>/run_executable URL. This is done below in the make_generic_request() method for us. Note, the inputs dictionary should look like this: { '' } Args: name: Recipe or RightScript String Name inputs: Dict of Key/Value Input Pairs instances: A list of rightscale.Resource instances objects. Returns: list of tuples - (instance, <rightscale.Resource task object>) """ # Create a new copy of the inputs that were passed in so that we can # modify them correctly and safely. params = dict(inputs) # Determine whether we're looking for a recipe or a rightscript. If its # the latter, we have to go and find its href identifier first. if '::' in name: script_type = 'Recipe' params['recipe_name'] = name else: script_type = 'RightScript' script = yield self.find_right_script(name) if not script: raise ServerArrayException('RightScript Not Found') params['right_script_href'] = script.href log.debug('Executing %s with params: %s' % (script_type, params)) # Walk through the list of instances and fire off the execution on each # instance. For each execution, we will store a reference to the # instane itself, and the task thats executing. Note, as soon as we # call the make_generic_request() method, a thread is fired off and # begins acting on that request. Outside of this loop (below), we will # iterate over the responses to these requests. task_pairs = [] for i in instances: log.debug('Executing %s on %s' % (name, i.soul['name'])) url = '%s/run_executable' % i.links['self'] req = self.make_generic_request(url, post=params) task_pairs.append((i, req)) # At this point, all of our tasks are executing in the background. We # can now yield on each task *individually* in order to get the "result # object" back. This looks synchronous, but remember that the real API # calls are actually happening in the background simultaneously. yielded_tasks = [] exceptions_caught = [] for (i, task) in task_pairs: try: result = yield task yielded_tasks.append((i, result)) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: msg = ('Failed to queue execution on %s: %s' % (i.soul['name'], e)) exceptions_caught.append(msg) # Rather than a single try/except and raising a group of exceptions, # Tornado's 'multi_future' method raises the first exception in a list # of tasks. This behavior is described in a bug, and we are working # with the Tornado team to try to come up with a reasonable solution. # Until then, we do this hackery to create a single exception from # many, and then raise that exception: # # if exceptions_caught: exc_string = ', '.join(exceptions_caught) exc_length = len(exceptions_caught) raise ServerArrayException('%s failures: %s' % (exc_length, exc_string)) raise gen.Return(yielded_tasks) @concurrent.run_on_executor @sync_retry(**settings.RETRYING_SETTINGS) def make_generic_request(self, url, post=None): """Make a generic API call and return a Resource Object. This method is a bit hacky. It manually executes a REST call against the RightScale API and then attempts to build a custom rightscale.Resource object based on those return results. This allows us to support API calls that the current python-rightscale library does not currently support (like running an executable on an instance of an array). Args: url: String of the URL to call post: Optional POST Body Data Returns: <rightscale.Resource objects> """ # Make the initial web call log.debug('Making generic API call: %s (%s)' % (url, post)) # Here we're reaching into the rightscale client library and getting # access directly to its requests client object. if post: response =, data=post) else: response = self._client.client.get(url) # Now, if a location tag was returned to us, follow it and get the # newly returned response data loc = response.headers.get('location', None) if loc: response = self._client.client.get(loc) url = loc # Try to parse the JSON body. If no body was returned, this fails and # thats OK sometimes. try: soul = response.json() except simplejson.scanner.JSONDecodeError: log.debug('No JSON found. Returning None') return # Now dig deep into the python rightscale library itself and create our # own Resource object by hand. resource = rightscale.rightscale.Resource( path=url, response=response, soul=soul, client=self._client.client) return resource