Source code for kingpin.actors.packagecloud

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Copyright 2014, Inc


The packagecloud actor allows you to perform maintenance operations on
repositories hosted by using their API:

**Required Environment Variables**

  packagecloud account name, i.e.

  packagecloud API Token

import datetime
import logging
import os
import re
import sys

from tornado import gen
from tornado_rest_client import api

from kingpin.actors import base
from kingpin.actors import exceptions
from kingpin.constants import REQUIRED

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__author__ = 'Charles McLaughlin <>'


class PackagecloudAPI(api.RestConsumer):

    ENDPOINT = ''
    CONFIG = {
        'attrs': {
            'packages': {
                'path': ('repos/%account%/%repo%/packages.json'
                'http_methods': {'get': {}}
            'delete': {
                'path': 'repos/%account%/%repo%/%distro_version%/%filename%',
                'http_methods': {'delete': {}}
        'auth': {
            'user': TOKEN,
            'pass': ''

[docs]class PackagecloudBase(base.BaseActor): """Simple packagecloud Abstract Base Object""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Check required environment variables.""" super(PackagecloudBase, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if not ACCOUNT: raise exceptions.InvalidCredentials( 'Missing the "PACKAGECLOUD_ACCOUNT" environment variable.') if not TOKEN: raise exceptions.InvalidCredentials( 'Missing the "PACKAGECLOUD_TOKEN" environment variable.') rest_client = api.RestClient(timeout=120) self._packagecloud_client = PackagecloudAPI(client=rest_client) @gen.coroutine def _get_all_packages(self, repo): """Simple method for fetching a dictionary of all packages in a repo Args: repo: name of the packagecloud repo to fetch from Returns: A hash of the packages. """ packages = yield self._packagecloud_client.packages( token=TOKEN, account=ACCOUNT, repo=repo).http_get() raise gen.Return(packages) def _get_package_versions(self, name, packages): """Find all versions of a given package. Args: name: name of the package to look for packages: hash of all the packages, as returned by the API Returns: A hash of package versions sorted by creation date """ versions = [{ 'created_at': datetime.datetime.strptime( package['created_at'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ'), 'distro_version': package['distro_version'], 'filename': package['package_html_url'].split('/')[-1], 'name': package['name'] } for package in packages if package['name'] == name] versions.sort(key=lambda x: x.get('created_at'), reverse=False) return versions def _filter_packages(self, regex, packages): """Extracts a list of unique package names to delete Args: regex: regex of package names to delete packages: hash of all the packages, as returned by the API Returns: A list of unique package names that match the delete pattern. """ pattern = re.compile(regex) packages_list_to_delete = {package['name'] for package in packages if pattern.match(package['name'])} self.log.debug('List of packages matching regex (%s): %s' % (regex, packages_list_to_delete)) return packages_list_to_delete @gen.coroutine def _delete(self, regex, repo, older_than=0, number_to_keep=0): """Generic packagecloud delete method, optionally supporting deleting old packages by date and/or keeping a certain number of packages. Args: regex: Regex of packages to delete, e.g. pkg1|pkg2 repo: name of the packagecloud repo to delete from older_than: Delete packages created before this number of seconds number_to_keep: Keep at least this number of each package Returns: A list of the packages that were deleted """ all_packages = yield self._get_all_packages(repo=repo) packages_list_to_delete = self._filter_packages(regex, all_packages) all_packages_deleted = [] # Loop through each unique package to delete for name in packages_list_to_delete: package_versions = self._get_package_versions( name, all_packages) # Create a tally of the packages we delete -- usd to give the user # a final helpful log statement about the work we did. packages_deleted = [] # Get a total count of the number of versions of this package in # the repo -- this variable will then be counted down as we loop, # to prevent us from deleting more than 'number_to_keep' packages. number_in_repo = len(package_versions) self.log.debug('Scanning %s versions (%s)' % (name, number_in_repo)) for package in package_versions: # Safety check -- if there aren't more than the number_to_keep # in the repo, then don't bother continuing through the loop # for this package. Break out and move to the next name in # packages_list_to_delete. if number_in_repo <= number_to_keep: self.log.debug( '%s has only %s package versions left, skipping' % (name, number_in_repo)) break # If older_than (time in seconds) was supplied, figure out how # old the package is. If the package_age (in seconds) is # younger than allowed_age (in seconds), then skip to the next # package version in the set. if older_than: package_age = ( - package['created_at']) allowed_age = datetime.timedelta(seconds=older_than) if package_age <= allowed_age: self.log.debug( '%s/%s is only %s old, skipping deletion' % (package['distro_version'], package['name'], package_age)) continue # Finally if we got here, then we have enough packages left in # the repo, AND (optionally) this package is older than our # cutoff age... so delete the package. msg = '%s/%s/%s' % ( repo, package['distro_version'], package['filename']) if self._dry:'Would have deleted %s' % msg) else:'Deleting %s' % msg) yield self._packagecloud_client.delete( token=TOKEN, account=ACCOUNT, repo=repo, distro_version=package['distro_version'], filename=package['filename'] ).http_delete() # Decrement list of packages to track how many are left number_in_repo = number_in_repo - 1 # Track *every* package we delete in one big dict -- this is # used purely for the unit tests to validate which packages # were deleted. all_packages_deleted.append(package) # Track that this package was deleted -- used in the parent for # loop to give the user a final tally of the packages that # were kept, and that were deleted. packages_deleted.append(package) # Print out the packages that were not deleted and left in the repo all_files = ['%s/%s' % (package['distro_version'], package['filename']) for package in package_versions] deleted_files = ['%s/%s' % (package['distro_version'], package['filename']) for package in packages_deleted] files_left = list(set(all_files) - set(deleted_files)) self.log.debug('%s remaining packages: %s' % (name, files_left)) raise gen.Return(all_packages_deleted)
[docs]class Delete(PackagecloudBase): """Deletes packages from a PackageCloud repo. Searches for packages that match the `packages_to_delete` regex pattern and deletes them. If `number_to_keep` is set, we always at least this number of versions of the given package intact in the repo. Also if `number_to_keep` is set, the older versions of a package (based on upload time) packages will be deleted first effectively leaving newer packages in the repo. **Options** :number_to_keep: Keep at least this number of each package (defaults to *0*) :packages_to_delete: Regex of packages to delete, e.g. pkg1|pkg2 :repo: Which packagecloud repo to delete from **Examples** .. code-block:: json { "desc": "packagecloud Delete example", "actor": "packagecloud.Delete", "options": { "number_to_keep": 10, "packages_to_delete": "deleteme", "repo": "test" } } """ all_options = { 'number_to_keep': ( int, 0, 'Keep at least this number of each package'), 'packages_to_delete': ( str, REQUIRED, 'Regex of packages to delete, e.g. pkg1|pkg2'), 'repo': ( str, REQUIRED, 'Which packagecloud repo to delete from'), } def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Check required environment variables.""" super(Delete, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) try: re.compile(self.option('packages_to_delete')) except re.error: raise exceptions.InvalidOptions( 'packages_to_delete is an invalid regex') @gen.coroutine def _execute(self): """Deletes all packages that match the `packages_to_delete` pattern""" yield self._delete( regex=self.option('packages_to_delete'), number_to_keep=self.option('number_to_keep'), repo=self.option('repo'))
[docs]class DeleteByDate(PackagecloudBase): """Deletes packages from a PackageCloud repo older than X. Adds additional functionality to the `Delete` class with a `older_than` option. Only packages older than that number of seconds will be deleted. **Options** :number_to_keep: Keep at least this number of each package (defaults to *0*) :older_than: Delete packages created before this number of seconds :packages_to_delete: Regex of packages to delete, e.g. pkg1|pkg2 :repo: Which packagecloud repo to delete from **Examples** .. code-block:: json { "desc": "packagecloud DeleteByDate example", "actor": "packagecloud.DeleteByDate", "options": { "number_to_keep": 10, "older_than": 600, "packages_to_delete": "deleteme", "repo": "test" } } """ all_options = { 'number_to_keep': ( int, 0, 'Keep at least this number of each package'), 'older_than': ( int, REQUIRED, 'Delete packages created before this number of seconds'), 'packages_to_delete': ( str, REQUIRED, 'Regex of packages to delete, e.g. pkg1|pkg2'), 'repo': (str, REQUIRED, 'Which packagecloud repo to delete from') } @gen.coroutine def _execute(self): yield self._delete( regex=self.option('packages_to_delete'), number_to_keep=self.option('number_to_keep'), older_than=self.option('older_than'), repo=self.option('repo'))
[docs]class WaitForPackage(PackagecloudBase): """Searches for a package that matches `name` and `version` until found or a timeout occurs. **Options** :name: Name of the package to search for as a regex :version: Version of the package to search for as a regex :repo: Which packagecloud repo to delete from :sleep: Number of seconds to sleep for between each search **Examples** .. code-block:: json { "desc": "packagecloud WaitForPackage example", "actor": "packagecloud.WaitForPackage", "options": { "name": "findme", "version": "0.1", "repo": "test", "sleep": 10, } } """ all_options = { 'name': ( str, REQUIRED, 'Name of the package to search for as a regex'), 'version': ( str, '.*', 'Version of the package to search for as a regex'), 'repo': ( str, REQUIRED, 'Which packagecloud repo to search'), 'sleep': ( int, 10, 'Number of seconds to sleep for between each search') } def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Check required environment variables.""" super(WaitForPackage, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) try: re.compile(self.option('name')) except re.error: raise exceptions.InvalidOptions( 'name is an invalid regex') try: re.compile(self.option('version')) except re.error: raise exceptions.InvalidOptions( 'version is an invalid regex') @gen.coroutine def _search(self, repo, name, version): """Searches for a given package until found or a timeout occurs. Args: repo: name of the repo to search name: Name of the package to search for as a regex version: Version of the package to search for as a regex Returns: A list of the packages that were found """ all_packages = yield self._get_all_packages(repo=repo) self.log.debug('Found all packages: %s' % all_packages) name_pattern = re.compile(name) version_pattern = re.compile(version) matched_packages = [p for p in all_packages if name_pattern.match(p['name']) and version_pattern.match(p['version'])] raise gen.Return(matched_packages) @gen.coroutine def _execute(self): """Execute method for the WaitForPackage actor""" while True:'Searching for %s %s...' % (self.option('name'), self.option('version'))) matched_packages = yield self._search( repo=self.option('repo'), name=self.option('name'), version=self.option('version')) if len(matched_packages) > 0:'Found it!') raise gen.Return() self.log.debug('Not found, sleeping for (%s)' % self.option('sleep')) yield gen.sleep(self.option('sleep'))