Source code for kingpin.actors.slack

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Copyright 2014, Inc


The Slack Actors allow you to send messages to a Slack channel at stages during
your job execution. The actor supports dry mode by validating that the
configured API Token has access to execute the methods, without actually
sending the messages.

**Required Environment Variables**

  Slack API Token

  Slack *message from* name
  (defaults to *Kingpin*)

import logging
import os
import re

from tornado import gen

from kingpin.constants import REQUIRED
from kingpin.actors import base
from kingpin.actors import exceptions
from import api

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__author__ = 'Matt Wise <>'

TOKEN = os.getenv('SLACK_TOKEN', None)
NAME = os.getenv('SLACK_NAME', 'Kingpin')

class SlackAPI(api.RestConsumer):

    _ENDPOINT = ''
    _CONFIG = {
        'attrs': {
            'auth_test': {
                'path': '/api/auth.test',
                'http_methods': {'post': {}},
            'chat_postMessage': {
                'path': '/api/chat.postMessage',
                'http_methods': {'post': {}},


[docs]class SlackBase(base.BaseActor): """Simple Slack Abstract Base Object""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Check required environment variables.""" super(SlackBase, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if not TOKEN: raise exceptions.InvalidCredentials( 'Missing the "SLACK_TOKEN" environment variable.') rest_client = api.SimpleTokenRestClient( tokens={'token': TOKEN} ) self._slack_client = SlackAPI(client=rest_client) def _check_results(self, result): """Returns True/False if the result was OK from Slack. The Slack API avoids using standard error codes, and instead embeds error codes in the return results. This method returns True or False based on those results. Args: result: A return dict from Slack Raises: InvalidCredentials if the creds are bad RecoverableActorException on any other value """ try: ok = result.get('ok', False) except AttributeError: raise exceptions.UnrecoverableActorFailure( 'An unexpected Slack API failure occured: %s' % result) if ok: return # By default, our exception type is a RecoverableActorFailure. exc = exceptions.RecoverableActorFailure # If we know what kind fo error it is, we'll return a more accurate # exception type. if result['error'] == 'invalid_auth': exc = exceptions.InvalidCredentials # Finally, raise our exception raise exc('Slack API Error: %s' % result['error'])
[docs]class Message(SlackBase): """Sends a message to a channel in Slack. **Options** :channel: The string-name of the channel to send a message to, or a list of channels :message: String of the message to send **Examples** .. code-block:: json { "desc": "Let the Engineers know things are happening", "actor": "slack.Message", "options": { "channel": "#operations", "message": "Beginning Deploy: %VER%" } } **Dry Mode** Fully supported -- does not actually send messages to a room, but validates that the API credentials would have access to send the message using the Slack `auth.test` API method. """ all_options = { 'channel': ((str, list), REQUIRED, 'Slack channel or a list of names'), 'message': (str, REQUIRED, 'Message to send') } desc = "Sending Message to {channel}" @gen.coroutine def _execute(self):'Sending message "%s" to Slack channel "%s"' % (self.option('message'), self.option('channel'))) if self._dry: # Check if our authentication creds are valid auth_ok = yield self._slack_client.auth_test().http_post() self._check_results(auth_ok)'API Credentials verified, skipping send.') raise gen.Return() # If only one channel was supplied as string then prepare the list if type(self.option('channel')) == list: channels = self.option('channel') else: channels = re.split('[, ]+', self.option('channel')) posts = [] for channel in channels: self.log.debug('Posting to %s' % channel) # Finally, send the message and check our return value posts.append(self._slack_client.chat_postMessage().http_post( channel=channel, text=self.option('message'), username=NAME, parse='none', link_names=1, unfurl_links=True, unfurl_media=True )) results = yield posts for res in results: self._check_results(res)