Source code for kingpin.actors.exceptions

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# Copyright 2018, Inc

All common Actor exceptions

from kingpin import exceptions

[docs]class ActorException(exceptions.KingpinException): """Base Kingpin Actor Exception"""
[docs]class RecoverableActorFailure(ActorException): """Base exception that allows script executions to continue on failure. This exception class is used to throw an error when an Actor fails, but it was an expected and/or acceptable failure. This should be used for exceptions that are somewhat normal ... for example, trying to delete a ServerArray thats already gone. """
[docs]class UnrecoverableActorFailure(ActorException): """Base exception for unrecoverable failures. This exception class should be used for critical failures that should always stop a set of Kingpin actors in-place, regardless of the actors `warn_on_failure` setting. Examples would be when credentials are incorrect, or an unexpected exception is caught and there is no known recovery point. """
[docs]class ActorTimedOut(RecoverableActorFailure): """Raised when an Actor takes too long to execute"""
[docs]class InvalidActor(UnrecoverableActorFailure): """Raised when an invalid Actor name was supplied"""
[docs]class InvalidOptions(UnrecoverableActorFailure): """Invalid option arguments passed into the Actor object. This can be used both for the actual options dict passed into the actor, as well as if a the wrong options were used when connecting to a remote API. """
[docs]class InvalidCredentials(UnrecoverableActorFailure): """Invalid or missing credentials required for Actor object."""
[docs]class UnparseableResponseFromEndpoint(UnrecoverableActorFailure): """Invalid response returned from a remote REST endpoint."""
[docs]class BadRequest(RecoverableActorFailure): """An action failed due to a HTTP 400 error likely due to bad input. """